Matthias Hellmund

Matthias Hellmund

Head of Customer Insights, ShareTheMeal

Award-winning Apps


Over the last 12 years I’ve been involved with building literally hundreds of apps, so it’s quite hard to pick a few.


There is hardly a platform or engine, on which Exozet hasn’t done a project. Yes, even exotic ones like Samsung Bada or Windows Phone 7, but of course the primary mobile platforms are iOS and Android plus Windows emerging with the advent of Win10. While most of the Apps were created as native or hybrid apps (usually on Cordova), the default game engine of choice is Unity while few projects used Cocos2d, Unreal or Adobe Air.


Like the platforms, there is a really broad array of mobile-specific features I was dealing with – meaning: gaining a sufficiently deep understanding, providing advice and recommendations to internal teams and clients. It usually starts with understanding the business case and deriving the corresponding monetization mechanics (different types of In-App-Billing, Ad-based, supplemental mobile clients to existing services and account data). Powerful mobile-specific features include Push Notification services, creating a native touchscreen experience, thoughtful use of location data (from GeoIP to GPS and Beacon-based triangulation) to advanced inputs such as video, NFC and Bluetooth-based protocols.

Beyond Smartphones

In many projects, a Smartphone App ist just one building block of a larger service. How to create seamless customer journeys, how to enable continuity across channels and how to properly adapt content from Smart Watches to TV Screens are the usual challenges.